Thursday, July 10, 2008

Darkest Hour at the Fillmore

So the show last night at the fillmore was a little lackluster until Gooster got us kicked out. Thats when the night began, even though i was drunkk and high before the show started. Anyways so after Goo finished throwing up by the couch on the 1st floor a paramedic kicked him, Jits and me out. I went back to the security guard and told him that we came as a group and to let me find my friends. I go in only to come back outside since Zero and pinesol were smoking cigarettes. We all stay outside with Gooster on the curb, shaking his head mumbling "i need to sit." Some drunk girl comes outside sits with goo and is falling on him and its pretty funny. She was saying "wheres my boyfriend?! wheres my boyfriend?! " I was like he aint here. She gets mad close to Zero and starts choking him saying " How am I gonna get home!" thats some funny ass shit. Gooster threw up some more and after telling him the cops were coming, which they were not, He finally gets up and we manage to get him to the subway. Now at the subway the most annoying sounding instrument in the world was being played by a less then talented irishman. The annoying noise made Gooster even worse so we rushed to get into our train. We get to the busses and after gooster is done creating a drunken scene by the port authority we call his sister to come pick him up. take the bus home with everyone else and then smoked another blunt went home and watched Batman Gotham Knight for the 4th time.

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