The Great Dark Horde is an independent "household, art movement, creative inspiration" (a social sub-group or quasi-fraternal organization) within the Society for Kreative Artistic Merit (SKAM).
The Dark Horde first appeared (or, as they put it, "walked out onto the streets") at some major cities of the Middle Kingdom, beginning in the summer of 2007 apart of the "I was here once project"(A.S.V, in SKAM notation). One of the more notable co-founders was fringe artist Stahler (who in the SKAM was known as "Ring leader of the SKAM artists") According to eyewitness accounts, some attendees wondered who let the artist into the graffiti/stencil/sticker community. According to Stahler himself SKAM started out as a way to expose people in power, disinformation, and corrupt factions of society. The artists took the lead of Stahler and have spread the design and concept to all corners of the globe. The idea naturally is something that needed a direction and community for others who shared the same dissent with society, government and religious structures. Because Stahler started the movement, he is known to be the 'leader of the pack.'

The emblem of the SKAM artists is an arrow pointing into ones head with the word SKAM on it which symbolizes a corrupt idea, while on the forehead of the subject a loading sign appears relaying a thought process, The other side of the subjects head is exploding which relates to the ultimate truth of the corrupt idea, but the subject instead ignores the truths and facts and relates the corrupt information in the form of another arrow that is without the SKAM symbol. Those Horde members who wish to be known as such are identifiable by these forms of emblems and symbols in the form of there characters or subject matter. Those who choose not to be openly known as such are sometimes jocularly referred to as "Street artists".
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