Wassup bloggers followers or those who just happen to stumble upon my blog.I have been slackin on the blogging because ive finally decided to get more serious about me and my music and what it is im going to be doing. I never really posted up any of my stufff on my blog before because im waiting for the right time anyways lately things have been weird ...weird in a bittersweet way. I feel more and more distant to the people around me yet so close at the same time. I have had a moment of
"Mr rabbit says,A moment of realization is worth a thousand prayers"
My realization is that..im going to come across many more of these moments throughout my lifetime so its time i start living in the moment.
Whose eyes are those on my back, the ones that when i leave still follow me back?Whose eyes are those staring at my heart waiting for the tic to toc because sure enough the time will stop and ill explode but still find pieces of me spread through others souls. Whose eyes tempt me and whose eyes exempt me wen i have done so wrong. Whose eyes will show me where i belong. I long and i long for the answers to convey but too much wants can leave u in dismay ...some say pray...others say no way....and who am i to say if any of us are living the right way. All i know is I so it is my own I that eyes the road to the destination set in stone but never will i know exactly how it unfolds.Behold the truth of the eye.
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