The most important person in my life was born. My mother "Owl" id probably be lost in the gutter with my eye lids stitched shut if it wasnt for this lady. She aint just ma moms , shes my sister,my best friend,my guardian, my pet owl , ahaha she is also DA SHIT!!!!! If ya dont know by now ...get APONTE!!! Right Quala? hahha lol dey aint slo! anyways back to April 7th !!!
Words really cant explain how much you mean to me. I'll never forget the moment I thought i could lose you. That was four years ago but you overcame all obstacles and against all odds are still here today. I am so proud of you and the person you are i hope to one day be as strong as you are. Its April 7th 2009 and you are not near me for me to hug and spoil the shit out of you so i got to let it out somehow. I know times are hard for you now with buelz ( my grand ma..shouts to her) struggling but things will get better and one day I promise to have you living like you should, not that we dont live a great life but you kno what i mean.

So I wish you a thousand times HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Enjoy our beautiful homeland while you can Ecuador plane tickets are hard to come by...well afford lol!! Anyways i love you Owl and im counting the days till i get to see ur big eyes watch my every move.I kinda miss it.
Oh and Bell says HAPPY BIRTHDAY too she misses you!!! lol

And here is a jam for you lol ya favorite!
Amy Winehouse - You know im no good
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