Kevin Drew has made a short film inspired by Feist's song from The Reminder called "The Water". Leslie Feist was even casted in the short film. I am really curious to see this film which takes place along a mountainside. That song was one of the many favorites i have from that album.This was taken from an article in November. I know it was sent out to festivals but i dont really know where to find the short film imma get my FBI on and find out because i am itching to see this now!
Shot in two days last January, the film was made on a small budget by way of favors and pulled strings. Luckily, the film turned out the way Drew had envisioned it, and there is nothing about the experience that he'd change. Well, maybe one thing. "What I wanted was for them to [actually] go into the water. Leslie has so much spirit, God bless her, she was like, 'OK, I’ll do it—give me a wet suit and I’ll go in,'" he remembers. "But she would have died from hypotherma and I would have probably had a hate list the size of Canada, so we didn’t do that. But I am happy with it. I really wanted to see if we could execute something that captured people's patience, and I think we did. In the end, I'm proud of how it was made and who was involved."

The Water
The telegraph cables hung
Few can decipher who the message is from
And deliver it quietly
'Cause some don't get much company
The harbor becomes the sea
And lighting the house keeps it collision free
Understand the lay of the land
Don't let it hurt you
Or it will be the first to
The water
The water didn't realize
Its dangerous size
The mountain
The mountain came to recognize
Its steep and rocky sides
More than realized
Pale as a pile of bones
You hope for your babies and this is how they grow
Wind-battered, knocked over
The teeth by the shoulder
Watching the gray sky that's acting like a good guy
The water
The water came to realize
Its dangerous size
The mountain
The mountain came to recognize
Its steep and rocky sides
Came to Recognize
Its steep and rocky sides
More than realized
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