Yup Nas brought out Hova a.k.a the Jigga man himself Jay Z . Words cant even describe how crazy that was . I was going nuts man two hiphop legends sharin the stage and im watching. It was all love. Nas really gave us a show yesterday man. He owned the stage and ripped it. STILL QBS FINEST!!!! Ya heard
Another highlight especially for me was when Mos Def hit the stage
Who stay holding it from Brooklyn? YOU KNOW IS MOS!
I almost died when I saw Talib Kweli come out.
Respiration!! what!!! This was a dream come true. BLACKSTAR!
Best Alliance in Hip Hop!
-They also brought out Pharoahe Monch to do SIMON SAYS.....WHATT Crowd went nutss!
Q-tip kickin some New Shit! Gettin Up with my main homie MOS coolin out on stage .straight groovin!
Vibrant Thing!
I was so excited to be watching my favorite rap group take the stage in NYC for the first time in ten years
Consequence showin some love
You know Busta was in the house. RRRRRROAW RRRRRRROAW like a dungeon dragon
Dead Prez ..you already know!
Immortal Technique who brought out Pharoahe Monch out on stage. Great Surprise!
Immortal Technique showin official love to the crowd. Homie just hopped off stage and left through the crowd after his set. He was the shit!
De La Soul rockin the stage bringing out Dres from Blacksheep
De La Soul and Q tip , who jumped on from backstage to do buddy =] !!! Thats My shit you already know NATIVE TONGUES WAS IN THERE!!
Yessss they brought out MR. Biz Markie !!
The Pharcyde Reunion =]
Raekwon the chef and Ghostface holding it down. WUTANG FOREVER!!
Supernatural duing his freestyle thanggg!
Method Man & Redman Do know how to ROCK THE STAGE
Meth Gettin Lifted with the crowds help!
Slick Rick The Rula!!
Meth and Red also brought out EPMD and Keith Murray to the stage.
Dj Kool Came out and rocked the mic for a bit.
Kidz in the hall as well.
Rakim =[ idk what happend did nah see RAKIM In house. That Sucked.
But still everyone who showed up was on point.
Had so much Fun and Hip Hop aint going no where people. Keep bangin Flavor in Ya Ear!
p.s I know i oded with the pictures but is all good!!
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