Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Quote of the moment
Saturday, July 11, 2009
MSTRKRFT Ft John Legend - Heartbreaker
MSTRKRFT – Featuring John Legend from vincent haycock on Vimeo.
Masta Ace ft Jean Grae - Hold you
"but it's the way you speak to me
its like we on the same frequency
and when you hold me, you make me peak"
I really love this song
Quincy speaks on MJ

The hit-making producer behind the King of Pop's rise discusses Jackson's life, death, and love of chemical peels
By Jeff Gordinier
Q: How have you been holding up since Michael Jackson's death?
A: Oh, man. It's surrealistic. I went to Shanghai for the movie festival over there—I took Halle Berry—and then went back to Luxembourg, and in three days I lost Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael. And Michael's thing is still surrealistic to me. I can't process it, man. I don't know how to process it. It's just unbelievable—him leaving before me. I can't believe it.
Q: How did you learn that he had died?
A: Well, everybody in the world called me. I got 500 e-mails. I've never seen anything like it in my life. At first they said they'd taken him to the hospital, then they said he'd had a stroke or a heart attack—it just kept going back and forth and we didn't know what was really happening. And at first I thought he was just kind of freaked out by the coming concerts, because I was in London when they announced the 50 concerts and they sold out in four hours. . . We'd see each other all the time, and I just can't believe he's not here.
Q: Have you been crying?
A: Oh, man, it's more than that. It's way more than that. It hurts my soul, man. It's just a lump down there.
Q: You were there to witness the strange evolution in Michael's appearance. Did you ever step in and saying anything about it?
A: Oh, we talked about it all the time. But he'd come up with, "Man, I promise you I have this disease," and so forth, and "I have a blister on my lungs," and all that kind of b.s. It's hard, because Michael's a Virgo, man—he's very set in his ways. You can't talk him out of it. Chemical peels and all that stuff.
Q: Did you believe him about the disease?
A: I don't believe in any of that bullshit, no. No. Never. I've been around junkies and stuff all my life. I've heard every excuse. It's like smokers—"I only smoke when I drink" and all that stuff. But it's bullshit. You're justifying something that's destructive to your existence. It's crazy. I mean, I came up with Ray Charles, man. You know, nobody gonna pull no wool over my eyes. He did heroin 20 years! Come on. And black coffee and gin for 40 years. But when he called me to come over to see him when he was in the hospital on his way out, man, he had emphysema, hepatitis C, cirrhosis of the liver, and five malignant tumors. Please, man! I've been around this all my life. So it's hard for somebody to pull the wool over my eyes. But when somebody's hell-bent on it, you can't stop 'em.
Q: But it must've been so disturbing to see Michael's face turn into what it turned into.
A: It's ridiculous, man! Chemical peels and all of it. And I don't understand it. But he obviously didn't want to be black.
Q: Is that what it was?
A: Well, what do you think? You see his kids?
Q: Did you ever discuss it? Did you ever ask, "Michael, don't you want to be a black man?"
A: No, no, no, please. That's not the way you do it.
Q: But he was beautiful before?
A: Man, he was the most gorgeous guy.

Q: But he seemed to have some deep-seated issue with how he looked?
A: Well, that comes about a certain way. I'm not sure how it happens. I'm just a musician and a record producer. I'm not a psychiatrist. I don't understand all that stuff. We all got problems. But there's a great book out called Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart. Did you see that? That book says the statute of limitations has expired on all childhood traumas. Get your stuff together and get on with your life, man. Stop whinin' about what's wrong, because everybody's had a rough time, in one way or another.
Q: I've heard you say that you wanted Michael to sing "She's Out of My Life," the great pop ballad from Off the Wall, in part because you felt like he had to deal with reality.
A: I just wanted to hear him deal with a romantic relationship with a human being rather than a rat. I'm saying that facetiously, but it's true. I saw him at the Oscars very emotional about "Ben." I wanted to hear him get in touch with a real human relationship. "She's Out of My Life" was written by Tommy Bahler from a very bad ending to a marriage. So it was very real. I was saving it for Sinatra. But I gave it to Michael. And Michael cried during every take, and I left the tears in.
Q: It's interesting you mention this, because I was just watching a clip on YouTube where you're sitting on a couch with Michael and he's petting a snake the whole time.
A: Oh, I remember that. Yeah, that was Muscles.
Q: Muscles?
A: Muscles. That's a big boa constrictor he had. Muscles used to wrap around my leg in a record session and crawl across the console. I was never comfortable with that. It was a choice between that and Bubbles—you know, the chimp.
Q: Did you ever meet Bubbles?
A: Are you kidding me? He bit a hole in my daughter's hand! Rashida's hand. Rashida Jones—did you see I Love You, Man? That's my daughter. She was a little girl. And Bubbles bit her hand. Michael used to bring Muscles and Bubbles by the house all the time, you know.
Q: What did you think of that? Wasn't that a little weird?
A: I don't know, man. Everybody does his own thing. I've met every freak in the business. Everybody has their idiosyncrasies. I try not to judge it, you know. I know all women are junkies for little dogs and bags and purses. Ha ha ha ha!
Q: At root, what do you think killed Michael Jackson?
A: I don't know, man. I'm a musician. I'm not a psychiatrist. I would think that the pressure of the concerts and the debt and everything else . . . look, I've been in the hands of Nobel doctors for the last five years, in Stockholm, at the Karolinska hospital, which you can't even pay to get in. I've learned so much about the human mind and the body, and the doctors talk all the time about how you become your thoughts. It's true. With one thought it starts, you know, and if you sit there and just stay hung up on one negative thought, you will become that thought. I know that Lisa Marie Presley said that she always thought he was going to die like Elvis. You sit and think about that stuff, it'll happen to you. If you start thinking about darkness instead of light, or fear instead of love, you'll get in trouble. I really believe that.
Q: With so many people asking you about Michael Jackson, is it hard to find the private space in which to mourn his death?
A: Yes, it is. It's surrealistic. I don't know how to process it at all. Because everybody's reacting to it, and making up their own answers.
Q: You've said that you don't attend funerals anymore because you've lost so many friends. Do you plan to attend Michael Jackson's funeral?
A: No, not at all, not at all. Because it's going to be, like, 9 million people there, and it's not what I want to see.
Q: You're not going to be there?
A: No. I can't be there, anyway. I'm going to Wales the day after tomorrow, I go to Montreux, I go to Marbella, I go to the south of France. My condolences and love I've already sent to the family. But being there with 10 million people is not my idea of a tribute to somebody you were so close to—who's got a part of your soul. Our souls were joined, you know. And a piece of it goes with him.

what do ya think?
Wale keepin it real fuck it
not really a snuff but knocked dudes hat off...wat a Hater tho forreal cus Wale go in. Dude prob aint even heard more than 3 songs from him lol sucks when people just skim through music.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Blogstyle Liquid Swords!
Battlefield of the mind i am one of a kind
Hudson County on my grind Jersey state of mind
Female better than i you are lying down
hanging upside down frown in ya face seen
all ma songs up till now made in the basement
like tigger pull the trigger on this fully loaded clip
that comes from my lip not the side of my hip
hop ya dont stop....this the sure shot
leveling time.......evolving with time
new ambitions new renditions lots of super stition
im cooking in my kitchen food for my soul
food for my heart food for my thoughts
fuck the store where ur lies were bought or sought
corruption comes wit no money back guarantee
cus ur guarentedd to live a life full of greed
red blood u will nt bleed it'll be green
dollar signs in ur eyes in turn makes u blind
inturn make u die cry and the whole nine
cus u sell yourself out so passionately
material things aint everything to me
dualist point of view which side will you choose
which part of you will you lose we all
walk in our own shoes sing our own blues
devils merry go round lays in the head
hop on too many spins ur beter off dead
liquid swords locked in my 19 th chamber
beware of danger kill u all cus ur strangers
knowledge of self keeps me stealth in health
these baby boys must want me 2bring out the belt
hit em on the top till their brain cells show
but the dro got them at an all time low
wonder if a killer kills just to keep a soul
or does he really feel like its the ultimate goal
Sunday, July 5, 2009

I want to give a special shouts to Real Deal Women radio and the whole Real Deal Academy of HIP HOP. Without them i wouldnt even have gotten my first show at the Nuyorican. So def much love goes out to them. And aside from me i just want to say that we all should appreciate what they are doing.
July 9th come thru to the show 21 and over free admission to all my underage people who look old enough get ya fake ids out or suttin! lol 7pm starts the art exhibit 9pm the concert ! Lyndhurst NJ THE CITY LOUNGE
Physical Graffiti first live show at the infamous Nuyorican Poets Cafe recap

lol This was cool shot ma boy took of Physical Graffiti the vintage store in east village!And nah i did not take my name from this store either lol i didnt even know this existed when i made the name for myself.

Shouts to Mario for the pics !
My first Youtube lol
Physical Graffiti - Cant close my eyes LIVE @ Nuyorican Poets Cafe
I want to thank everyone who came out and showed support. It was my first show and i am super happy and honored it took place at the Nuyorican. Thanks to Helena D Lewis who showed nothing but support and who got me a really sick beat boxer to introduce me. I had mad fun and Jersey was in there without a doubt. Shouts to NYC too dont think i dont love NY ...Queens second home to me i got alot of memories out there. Anyways thanks again to all of you who show me support. In this foodchain of the music industry im at the bottem i'm nobody and alot of you make me feel like somebody and i will forever appreciate that. I hope to grow more in the future and love for ya to stick around for the ride. Truthfully i started rapping and recording at the same time in Januaray 2009 and in just these few months i feel i have exceeded any of my expectations. Thanks again to all you who even give me the time of day. The loaning of ears is a debt i will gladly pay off.
check my music out at
Big Sean - Supa Dupa
I am a supa, dupa, troopa
Used to the bottom - scuba
So I'm on the grind - skateboard or scoota,
'Till I am the king of my castle - Koopa,
Dawg i took a shot in the dark in an industry of sharks
That's surrounded by water - Cuba,
I can make an Einstein’s mind feel stoopa
And I can make an insecure bitch feel supa
Realest nigga eva - Kunta Kinte
Ultra - master, super - sensei
Dawg, in the ninth inning
We’re just trying to hit a homer - marge
Comprende? Hard - al dente
MJ - Jordan or Jackson
Only difference is, I ain’t fucking with these kids
Sean - Big
A problem too big - trig
You niggas ain’t shit - pissed - tsk tsk
In the studio while making supa dupa
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Michael Jackson
I havent spoken about Michael Jacksons death on my blog yet but here goes. R.I.P to one of Pops biggest icons. What he has done for music is unmatchable he has inspired music from all genres. He is also a minority ...despite the skin change and what he did no other has done.MJ is the definition of timeless. Forever will he be missed but we are all very lucky because he lives on with his music.My little brother is a die hard fan and i remember when i introduced him to MJ , Michael had just released You rock my world. My little brother ill refer to him as Silent Jackson cus das da name he goes by when he performs his litttle dances and posts it on youtube. Silent jackson immediatley wanted to hear his other music and shit dat was it . The kid loved Michael and he was generations behind. Thats what Mikes music does and thats what all music should do. It was sad to see ma lil bro bawling crying not to mention my mom and my bestfriends whole family. Dont feed me the whole he didnt give a fuck about you ...blah blah hes just a guy shit. NO NO NO he gave a fuck to spend his whole life giving us quality music and insane dance moves that only he could make special. It was his passion his love for what he did and he also gave a fuck about countless amounts of children. The way he gave to charitys and made songs to empower us all. I know he had a fucked up childhood and things tormented him and i pray his soul is at peace . Long live the king as Scar would say. Michael Jackson Rest In Peace watching The American Dream Jackson 5 movie will never be the same.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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