time is haunting me now
i figured its about time i tried to do something new
what am just a lost soul or soul seeker
my mind teaches me too look further
but my heart rathers me stay in bed
play sick till theres nothing else to wait for other then death
violets are blue and roses are red
even with that we are all mislead
miss im dead
i dont feel alive
i could hardly breathe
hardly feel my toes or my feet
all i hear is pain and sorrow
so i wait outside catching a cab going to tommorrow
but theres no roads where i intend to fly
more like robots leaping around in the skies
aliens are near but there scared to say hi
maybe because they know humans are only meant for goodbyes
so i send one to the moon
and one to jupiter
because girls drink pepsi because we're sexy
and guys go to jupiter to get more stupider
down down baby that country grammer
imm readdy for my time like hammer
and any nemesist i slaughter
with the click of the tongue
words shoot out quicker then anybodys gun
and if you lose me now its okay u just lost one
pass on me twice
you just commited the ultimate sacrafice
aint no one half this nice
aint nobody catching up not even in my unborn sons son lifetime